AdSense Referrals Akan Di Pensiunkan

Unknown | 10:01:00 AM | 1 komentar

Barusan dapat email dari Google Adsense. Kirain ada berita mengenai pengiriman cek atau berita akun di banned. Eh ternyata hanya berisi penyampaian bahwa "Adsense Referrals" akan ditiadakan Selama minggu terakhir di bulan Agustus.

Alasan mereka, ya seperti biasa .... "untuk mencari cara untuk meningkatkan pendapatan terbaik bagi para publisher". Kemungkinan terbesar untuk kedepannya, sistem Adsense Referrals akan benar-benar dihapus jika cara ini memperoleh hasil yang sesuai dengan tujuan Google Adsense.

Isi Email lengkapnya :


Thank you for participating in the AdSense Referrals program.
We’re writing to let you know that we will be retiring the AdSense
Referrals program during the last week of August. We appreciate
your patience during this transition and here are some alternative
options to consider:

* Google Affiliate Network: As part of the integration of
DoubleClick, the DoubleClick Performics Affiliate Network will now
operate as the Google Affiliate Network for advertisers targeting
users located in the United States. Similar to the AdSense
Referrals program, the Google Affiliate Network enables publishers
to apply for advertiser programs and get paid based on
advertiser-defined actions instead of clicks or impressions. For
further details, please visit:

* AdSense for content ads: If you have less than three AdSense
for content ad units on a page, you may wish to replace the
referral ad units with standard AFC ad units.

If you currently use referral ads, either to promote Google
products or offerings from AdWords advertisers, AdSense Referrals
code will no longer display ads beginning the last week of August.
We encourage you to take the following steps before the product is

* Remove the referral code from your site(s): Please take a
moment to remove all referral code from your sites before the last
week of August, so you can continue to effectively monetize your
ad space.
* Run and save all referrals reports on your desktop: Create
and save all reports related to the referrals program on your
desktop, so you continue to have access to your valuable campaign

Why is this happening?
We're constantly looking for ways to improve AdSense by developing
and supporting features which drive the best monetization results
for our publishers. Sometimes, this requires retiring existing
features so we can focus our efforts on the ones that will be most
effective in the long term. For this reason, we will be retiring
the AdSense Referrals program. If you have any additional
questions, please visit our Help Center:


The Google AdSense Team

Jadi buat kamu yang sekarang memasang adsense referrals, siap-siap untuk kehilangan pendapatan dari referral. TAPI...!!! pihak adsense menawarkan alternative referral lain yang telah menjadi bagian mereka di

Panduan lengkapnya buat yang ingin beralih, ada pada tulisan tebal diatas.


About Wan Adamsyah Rival Baros:
Adam adalah seorang Profesional Blogger, Online Enteprenuer, Web Designer, Web Developer, IT Support and Trainer. Saya memulai blogging sejak 2006 dan memutuskan untuk menjadi profesional blogger di tahun 2009. Tulisan saya banyak bercerita mengenai Teknologi Informasi dan perkembangannya.

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